April 23, 2010

Should You Move?

This month I’ve focused on your environment and asked you to consider what landscapes and people you are drawn to. By now, you should have a clear idea of your preferences.

Now I’d like you to consider whether or not you’d be able to move to such a place. Outside circumstances, such as job and family obligations, may play a big part in the answer to this question. Many of us cannot pick up and move when we wish if we have factors that keep us in a certain area. Do not despair if this is the situation for you. In coming weeks we will discuss how you can fulfill some of your energetic needs in your current home.

But if you find that you can be flexible in your living location, I’d like you to entertain the possibilities.

First, ask yourself if there is somewhere you’ve always want to move to, but never have? Focusing on this unfulfilled desire, you can learn much about what your particular needs are.

Next, ask yourself what unfulfilled need or needs do you think this move would fill? This is what you want to focus on and you may want to make note of these needs for future analysis.

Personally, I’ve always wanted to move to a cottage in the country, where I could be surrounded by nature, garden, and keep horses and other animals. So what does this say about my needs?

I feel it is my need to commune with the natural world and my need for peace, quiet and an unhurried life. Also a need for things to be fresh and alive around me. This is what would make my energy body hum with delight and make me feel healthy.

So how about you?

Perhaps your not as much of a hermit as me and prefer more people around? Maybe a small town where everyone knows everyone else and cares for one another? Maybe a big city that makes you feel vibrant, alive, and excited? Maybe a seaside village with the sound of waves crashing? Or the suburbs?

Some people wish to live where they grew up. Because we are more sensitive to our natural surroundings as a child, we retain the memory of associated feelings, sights, sounds, textures, fragrances of the flora and fauna, that we were raised around. These fondly remembered experiences we had while we matured can color our preferences for more of the same. Going to these places can re-establish a healthy, balanced, auric field and put you in a healing state of relaxation.

On the other hand, if a person had a disturbed childhood, they may desire to relocate in an entirely different climate and landscape in order to heal.

As we discussed last week, preferences on where to live are related to our life energy field configuration of what we have individually labeled as ‘normal’. Normal is different for every person depending on their backgrounds and experiences, as well as their needs.

Humans, in general, don’t like too much change and we tend to gravitate to environments that support the status quo. We choose to live in places that make us feel ‘normal.’

But, your version of what is ‘normal’ may be one of your habits that is causing an imbalance within you. Spend some time with this thought. Is your current environment causing you any sort of distress or supporting bad habits? Could you have accepted that as ‘normal?’ Do you wish to change your perception of what ‘normal’ is?

My goal here is to have you make this a conscious choice, not an unconscious one. Choosing to move to a new environment can be a big decision for many. Would your needs be better served somewhere else? Sometimes we need to move on to a whole new environment to create the kind of change we would like in our lives.

This is your food for thought.

Contacting Nature Intelligence Notes

As I've been writing about getting closer to nature, I thought I'd present this hypnosis session at this time.

We all start out with a blueprint in life. This blueprint was decided by you and your loving soul family before you incarnated into your current life. Many times, because of our limited memories we have in these bodies, we long to remember what our path was intended to be, hoping that we are following the right one.

I truely believe that, overall, we usually do follow our blueprints, but we also go off course, sometimes for years, before we get back onto the main road again.

In this session, we contact nature intelligence to assist you in reclaiming your original blueprint. You also get to meet your guardian angel, who will always be there for you.

I hope you enjoy the session and I would welcome any feedback.

With Love,

Contacting Nature Intelligence Session - E

In this hypnosis session, you are taken to meet the Deva of Healing who will return your original blueprint to you so that you can continue with your life task and also reconnect with nature intelligence. You also meet your guardian angel. 42 min.

April 16, 2010

Living Spaces: Populations and People

The last few weeks I have focused on finding ways to be out in nature in order to heal and recharge my energy field to maintain optimal health. For the next few weeks I’ll focus on where we live and whether or not it is the best place for our well being.

First, take a look at your own individual preferences. Jot down any places, cities, states, regions or countries that you have been to and experienced either a negative or a positive feeling. Let’s say you visited a desert in Arizona, or a jungle in central America, a crowded urban city, a small country town, etc… Write it down, and next to it, put your impressions of the place. Did you feel uplifted, expanded, joyful, cramped, scared, uneasy? Something else? Try to find at least three places you felt very positive about and three that you’ve felt negative about. If you have strong feelings about the place you are currently living, include it too.

Now, focus on your positive places and jot down a list of the qualities they have in common. Were there lots of people around? Or very few? Were the people friendly? What were the structures like? Was it densely built up or was there plenty of open, natural areas? Was the culture pleasing to you? Were you able to feel comfortable and natural in that setting? How did the energy feel? Anything else?

Make another list for your negative places. What did they have in common? Consider some of the questions that you did for the positive list. In this manner you should begin to see a pattern of what your preferences are.

There are important reasons for your preferences and these reasons are dependent upon factors such as your own upbringing, culture, and personal boundaries.

The boundaries I’m speaking of are energetic ones and they vary with culture, country and even area of a country. You may have experienced, or heard about travelers to different countries who found their level of comfort breached when people stepped too close to them to communicate, or perhaps backed away from them. These sometimes subtle gestures could be disconcerting and cause a person to feel ill at ease. Depending on what auric levels you have developed, you will prefer these same levels in others and find yourself gravitating to such people, deeming yourself more comfortable with them.

These differences are cultural, as in the above example, but can also be dependent on your upbringing as well. Did your family communicate easily? Or did you keep to yourselves?

Some levels of our aura are more developed than other levels. For example, if our third and fifth level is the most developed, we will seek out others with the same development. They are the ones you feel most at ease with because when we communicate with others, we intermingle our auric fields using our most developed parts.

Also, some people keep their auras tight and to themselves, while others walk in a more expanded state and don’t mind intermingling their energies with others. It’s been found that people living in crowded cities tend to keep their auras small and those that live in more open areas tend to expand. It seems that people adjust their auric dimensions according to the space they have. If your list showed a preference for open country, then you most likely enjoy an expanded energy body.

So what is the appeal of a big city? Many of us enjoy all the distractions and interactions a city has to offer. The population density alone can cause a big city to give off very high energy, even to the point of creating energy vortices. People unconsciously gravitate to cities to experience this exciting energy which causes these places to sometimes become great centers of learning.

On the down side, big cities also accumulate vast quantities of negative energies, sometimes called DOR (Dead Orgone Energy). DOR is a term coined by Wilhelm Reich. In large cities, DOR permeates everything and everyone as well as planting itself deep into the ground beneath. If a person does not leave the city regularly to maintain their health, DOR can be harmful and sometimes fatal, causing illness to form in the weakest parts of the body and energy field.

Besides DOR, there is also the increased environmental pollution that affects the air quality in big cities. These factors can wear down your immune system and especially attack the health of your brain.

So now that you have found your preferences for the kind of places and people you prefer, how does it compare with where you are living now? Are you comfortable where you are? Could you be more fulfilled somewhere else?

Next week we’ll examine the possibility of making a move somewhere and what need that may or may not fill for you.

April 15, 2010

Ascension Session Two - Jaw and Knees

When we change our thought forms, we still need to change the underlying negative beliefs and our related perceptions and judgments in order to manifest new positive realities. When we become true to ourselves, to our core nature, when can be ourselves from a place of love and become wise. To do this we need to release the anger, tension, pain, patterns and blockages in the body and energy field.

As in activation one that we did working on points in the back, activation two will be accessing particular points in the jaw and the knee chakras to release distorted perceptions and conditionings that have been limiting us. As we change and release these conditionings from the body, we start to express ourselves, our inner truth.

Every time we have spoken an untruth, every time we have sat in judgment, and every time we held back from expressing frustration, anger or fear, we stored these emotions in the jaw and knee areas. Time to let it go, don’t you think? You will need 45 minutes of uninterrupted quiet time to complete the session.